WilmerHale discusses A Bold New Regulatory Landscape for Research: SEC Approves FINRA Rules Addressing Conflicts of Interest for Equity and Debt Research

More than ten years after the Global Research Settlement and the adoption of NASD Rule 2711, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC or Commission) has approved new FINRA rules addressing conflicts of interest for both equity and debt research analysts …

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Orrick discusses SEC’s Guidance Supporting its Position that Internal Whistleblowers are Protected Under Dodd-Frank

On August 4, 2015 the Securities and Exchange Commission issued interpretive guidance elaborating its view that the anti-retaliation provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act apply equally to tipsters who claim retaliation after reporting internally, as …

Arnold & Porter explains US Policy Developments in FinTech and Payments Systems: Federal Reserve Establishes Tasks Forces of Faster Payments and Secure Payments

FinTech businesses focused on payments systems and foreign exchange have witnessed an explosion of demand in recent years. As these payment systems services continue to gain mainstream acceptance, financial regulators in the US are increasingly interested in monitoring and, as …