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Fried Frank explains BMC Software and the Court’s Ongoing Incremental Path to Increased Reliance on the Merger Price in Appraisal Cases

The Delaware Court of Chancery has been on a slow but clear path toward increased reliance on the merger price in determining fair value in appraisal cases. While the court’s reliance on the merger price as the best indicator of fair value has been more frequent recently, the court appears to continue to struggle with a fundamental conflict in its approach to determining fair value.

On the one hand, the court has explicitly recognized that, when a merger price has been derived through an arm’s-length sale process, involving parties with a real economic stake in the outcome and during which the target company has been actively shopped, the merger price likely represents a better indication of the target company’s value than would the results of financial valuation analyses conducted by (using the court’s words, repeated in numerous opinions) “litigation-driven” parties in appraisal proceedings or “law-trained judges”. On the other hand, the court’s willingness to rely on the merger price has been limited by the court’s interpretation of the statutory mandates that, in an appraisal proceeding, the court must (i) consider “all relevant factors” in determining fair value and (ii) exclude from fair value any value that is expected to arise from the merger itself (such as, we note, certain synergies or, it would seem, a control premium).

The court has dealt with this conflict in numerous recent cases (including the latest one, Merion v. BMC Software (Oct. 21, 2015)), by:

In this memorandum, we review the statutory and common law context for the court’s mandate to determine fair value; summarize the court’s thinking to date (as reflected in its appraisal opinions) on the requirement to consider all relevant factors; and offer our view that the court’s latest appraisal decision, BMC Software, represents an expansion of the court’s reliance on the merger price in appraisal cases (and portends likely further expansion). We also note DCF analysis-related practice points arising from BMC Software.

Delaware Appraisal Statute

Stockholders of Delaware corporations who dissent to a merger and perfect their appraisal rights are entitled to an appraisal hearing before the Court of Chancery, at which the court, after hearing presentations by the parties’ respective experts, will make an independent determination of the “fair value” of the shares subject to appraisal. These stockholders (and, unlike in fiduciary duty litigation, not any of the other stockholders) will be entitled to receive the court-determined “fair value” of their shares in lieu of the merger consideration.

The fair value as determined by the court may be the same, higher or lower than the price per share paid in the merger. The Delaware statute provides the court with wide discretion in determining fair value. The statute prescribes no specific methodology to be used, directing only that “the Court shall determine the fair value of the shares exclusive of any element of value arising from the accomplishment or expectation of the merger,” and that “[i]n determining such fair value, the Court shall take into account all relevant factors.”

Pursuant to well-established judicial precedent, fair value in the context of an appraisal proceeding is the value to a stockholder of the firm as a going concern, as opposed to the firm’s value in the context of an acquisition or other transaction. The underlying theory is that a dissenting stockholder is entitled to receive the value of what he relinquished in the merger to which he objected—i.e., his proportionate share of the corporation as a going concern. Accordingly, and as implicitly mandated by the appraisal statute, going concern value does not include, for example, synergies that are expected from the merger itself.

In summary, the court must consider all data and use any valuation methodologies that the court deems appropriate under the circumstances to value the company as an independent going concern.

Historical Context—Court’s Resistance (until 2013) to Using the Merger Price to Determine Fair Value

Golden Telecom. Although prior to 2010 the Chancery Court had looked at the deal price as a factor to be considered in the fair value determination (at least where the price was based on an effective arm’s-length sale process), the court generally did not do so after the 2010 Delaware Supreme Court decision in Golden Telecom v. Global GT. The Supreme Court held in Golden Telecom that the Chancery Court could not defer to the merger price to establish fair value because the court is charged by statute with using its independent judgment to make the determination, taking into account all relevant factors. Then Chief Justice Steele wrote:

[The statute] neither dictates nor even contemplates that the Court of Chancery should consider the transactional market price of the underlying company.…[The statute] controls appraisal proceedings, and there is little room for this Court to graft common law gloss on the statute even were we so inclined.…Requiring the Court of Chancery to defer—conclusively or presumptively—to the merger price, even in the face of a pristine, unchallenged transactional process, would contravene the unambiguous language of the statutes and the reasoned holdings of our precedent. Therefore, … we reject [petitioner’s] call to establish a rule requiring the Court of Chancery to defer to the merger price in any appraisal proceeding.

Orchard Enterprises. That approach was followed by the Chancery Court in In re Appraisal of Orchard Enterprises (2012), in which then Chancellor Strine, declining to give weight to the merger price, stated that the court “must use its own independent judgment to determine the fair value of the [dissenting] shares.” Strine rejected the notion that the go-shop provision of the merger agreement gave validity to the merger price as a basis for the fair value determination, stating that an appraisal proceeding (unlike a fiduciary duty case) must be focused simply on the going concern value of the company, without regard to the sale process (and the price produced by that process). He wrote:

[Respondent] makes some rhetorical hay out of its search for other buyers. But this is an appraisal action, not a fiduciary duty case, and although I have little reason to doubt [Respondent’s] assertion that no buyer was willing to pay…[more than the deal price], an appraisal must be focused on [Respondent’s] going concern value.

CKx—a new regime. In a departure from the usual pattern of rejecting use of the merger price, in late 2013, in Huff v. CKx (Nov. 1, 2013, affirmed in full by the Delaware Supreme Court, without an opinion, Feb. 13, 2015), Vice Chancellor Glasscock held that the court can and should look to the deal price as an important indication of fair value (subject to adjustment to exclude merger synergies), at least where:

[T]here has been a thorough and effective sales process, there are no truly comparable companies or transactions to form the basis of a comparables analysis, and the revenue projections are too unreliable to form the basis of a discounted cash-flow analysis.

The court found that no other valuation method was available to be used in CKx. The court concluded that the CKx projections (a key input to a DCF analysis) were unreliable because they had not been created in the ordinary course of business but, rather, according to the respondent company’s own testimony at trial, had been prepared with the objective in mind of trying to generate the highest price possible from potential buyers of the company. The court also deemed the projections to be too speculative, as the company’s interest in the American Idol television show (which accounted for 75% of the company’s cash flow) was about to expire and it was impossible to foretell whether, and if so on what terms, those rights might be renewed. The court also deemed the parties’ respective comparables analyses as unreliable because the companies and transactions utilized were not sufficiently comparable. Under these circumstances, Vice Chancellor Glasscock opined, a deal price generated by an arm’s- length negotiating process may be “the best and most reliable indicator” of fair value. The Vice Chancellor explicitly interpreted the Golden Telecom decision as having rejected only an automatic presumption in favor of the use of the merger price and not as having rejected its use as one of many potentially relevant factors (or its use as the most, or even only, relevant factor) that the court may consider to determine fair value in any given case.

Unacknowledged influence of the merger price. We note that, in every appraisal decision from 2010 through Huff in late 2013, while the court expressly declined to rely at all on the merger price, professing the irrelevance of the merger price in an appraisal proceeding as one of the indications of fair value, it appears that the court was influenced substantially by the merger price in cases in which the merger price had been derived through an arm’s-length third-party process (i.e., in “disinterested” transactions), that included active shopping of the company as part of the sale process. In the disinterested transactions during this period, the appraisal awards represented only modest premiums above the merger price (a 16% premium in the highest case), while in interested transactions (i.e., transactions involving a controller, or a going private transaction, so that the merger price implicitly was not derived at arm’s-length), the appraisal awards represented higher, and often very significant, premiums above the merger price (ranging from 20% to 149%). (Our calculation of premiums above the merger price does not include the statutory interest included in the appraisal award.)

Court’s Post-2013 Use of the Merger Price to Determine Fair Value—Two-Prong Test for Reliance on the Merger Price

Of the six appraisal decisions since CKx, two involved “interested” transactions (i.e., transactions with a controller) and four involved “disinterested” arm’s-length transactions. In both of the interested transactions, the court did not use the merger price to determine fair value, relied on a DCF analysis, and found fair value to be significantly higher than the merger price. In all of the disinterested transactions, the two-prong test articulated in CKx was satisfied, and, as in CKx, the court expressly relied primarily on the merger price to determine fair value and found fair value to be at (or very near) the merger price.

Interested transactions–Hesco and Cannon. In Laidler v. Hesco (June 2014), the first appraisal decision to follow CKx, Vice Chancellor Glasscock rejected use of the merger price on the basis that the transaction there, by contrast with CKx, had not involved an arm’s-length competitive process. Under those circumstances, the Vice Chancellor explained, the merger price, which had been dictated by the 90% parent, was not a reliable indicator of value. The amount determined to be fair value in this case, based on a DCF analysis, represented an 87% premium to the merger price. In Owen v. Cannon, an interested transaction involving a squeeze-out merger (with no market check, and at a price far below the value that had been indicated in third party valuations received by the company), Chancellor Bouchard, relying on a DCF analysis, determined fair value to be an amount that represented a 60% premium above the merger price.

Disinterested Transactions—Ancestry, AutoInfo, Ramtron and BMC Software. In Ancestry (January 2015), Vice Chancellor Glasscock determined fair value to be equal to the merger price, relying on the fact that the merger price had been established in a competitive bidding situation (and a “check” on the merger price based on a DCF analysis that yielded a result within a few cents of the merger price). In AutoInfo (April 2015), a disinterested transaction involving a competitive public auction, Vice Chancellor Noble, relying on the merger price, held that the fair value was equal to the merger price. In Ramtron (June 2015), a disinterested transaction involving a hostile takeover bid and a thorough search for a white knight buyer (although no white knight or other competing bidder emerged), Vice Chancellor Parsons, relying on the merger price, determined fair value to be just slightly (three cents) below the merger price (after making a nominal adjustment to the merger price to exclude merger-specific synergies).

Relevance of Latest Decision—BMC Software: Possibly Expanded Use of Merger Price

In BMC Software, the latest appraisal decision, Vice Chancellor Glasscock determined that the appraisal amount payable to the stockholder petitioners was equal to the merger price ($46.25). The petitioners were dissenting from the merger in which BMC Software, Inc. had been taken private by a consortium of investment firms after an auction of the company with multiple competing bidders. The petitioners and the respondent company each had relied primarily or exclusively on a DCF analysis. Their respective analyses yielded widely divergent results (the petitioners’ result was $67.08; the respondent’s was $37.88). The court’s own DCF analysis yielded a result that was between the two and just above the merger price ($48). The court concluded that the merger price was the “best indication of fair value” due to the robust, arm’s-length, competitive sale process, and the court determined fair value to be equal to the merger price. (The court considered making, but found that there was not sufficient evidence to support, an adjustment to the merger price to deduct the value of merger-specific synergies.)

Does BMC Software mean that the court will rely on the merger price when it is regarded as reliable, without regard to the reliability of financial valuations? The answer is uncertain. In finding fair value to be equal to the merger price in BMC Software, Vice Chancellor Glasscock emphasized that the price had been established through a “pristine” sales process with multiple rounds of auctions involving multiple bidders. Notably, the two-prong test—which, as noted above, was expressly utilized by the court in all of the appraisal decisions in the recent past in which the court relied primarily on the merger price—was not even mentioned in the BCM Software opinion. While the test was, as a substantive matter (albeit not expressly) applied, and the opinion does reflect that the court found the merger price to be reliable and the DCF analysis to be unreliable, the court’s focus was on the reliability of the merger price and there was far less discussion about the unreliability of the DCF analysis. Most importantly in our view, of the three factors cited by the court as the reasons the court was “reluctant” to rely on the result of its DCF analysis, at least two (and possibly all three) appear to have been generic concerns about the reliability of inputs to the analysis that would be applicable in any (i.e., every) case in which a DCF is utilized.

The generic nature of the court’s concerns about inputs to the DCF analysis in BMC Software. In the recent past, the court has viewed the result of a DCF analysis as too uncertain to be reliable only in cases in which unusual factors have made the analysis more uncertain than is typical. In BMC Software, however, the court’s reluctance to rely on its own DCF analysis seems to have been based, at least to a large extent, on more generic concerns that would be applicable in many (or even most) appraisal cases.

In summary, to the extent that the court’s concerns about its DCF analysis in BMC Software are generic in nature (or, in the case of the projections, to the extent the court has, at a minimum, expanded the types of concerns that make it reluctant to rely on a DCF analysis), these concerns would appear to be applicable in many or most cases in which a DCF analysis is utilized. Thus, in our view, BMC Software suggests that the court may be moving toward a reluctance to rely primarily on a DCF analysis in many appraisal cases, even when the DCF analysis is not regarded as particularly unreliable. BMC Software does not seem to indicate that the court will determine fair value without regard to financial valuation methods such as a DCF analysis; indeed, the court stated that it was “required” to conduct a DCF analysis in order to take all relevant factors into account. However, given that, in BMC Software, the court did not mention the two-prong test; the court emphasized the reliability of the merger price due to the competitive auction process; the court expanded the types of concerns it has about projections; and the court’s specified concerns about the DCF analysis were generic in nature, BMC Software appears to suggest that the court has expanded even further its openness to primary reliance on the merger price. In our view, the court may be moving toward primary reliance on the merger price in any case in which the target company has been actively shopped, whether or not the financial valuation analyses are regarded as reliable.

The court may now be expected to rely primarily on the merger price (with adjustment for merger-specific synergies) at least in the factual context that was applicable in BMC Software, which was:

Open issues

A number of open issues remain after BMC Software with respect to the court’s reliance on the merger price to determine appraised fair value:

DCF-Related Practice Points Arising from BMC Software

The full memorandum was originally published by Fried Frank on November 13, 2015 and is available here.

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