CLS Blue Sky Blog

Paul Weiss Discusses an FTC Study on Merger Remedies

On February 3, 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) released a report on an internal staff study examining the success of the Commission’s merger remedies from 2006 to 2012.[1] The report, which also focuses on the remedy process more generally, is a follow up to the Commission’s first remedy study, released in 1999.

The FTC has received some criticism in the recent past about the perceived lack of success of a few of its merger consent decree remedies.  But the report found that the remedy process was generally effective and that most remedies proposed by the FTC succeeded in promoting competition.  The report also highlighted several “best practices” that will be a particular focus areas going forward.

The 2017 study reviewed all 89 merger consent orders issued by the Commission related to mergers proposed from 2006 to 2012 and included information gathered in voluntary interviews with over 200 market participants.  In reviewing the past orders, the staff utilized three different methods:

Report Finds Majority of FTC Remedies Are Successful

The report broke down the success rates into three categories:

Results of Report Suggest Best Practices for Future Transactions

The FTC included in its report a series of best practices suggested by the results of the survey.  The report states that the Commission does not believe the practices “reflect significant changes to the Commission’s current practice, but rather further refine the Commission’s approach to remedies and the remedy process.”[3] The report states that divestitures, by far the most common remedy proposed by the FTC, are the most successful method for maintaining competition levels post-merger.

The report repeats the Commission’s preference for divestitures of stand-alone ongoing businesses, as opposed to the divestiture of selected assets.

Additional best practices presented by the report for determining the likely success of a proposed remedy include:

FTC staff also repeated a recommendation made in the 1999 report:  buyers and other affected parties are encouraged to communicate with staff if any issues or concerns arise.  Buyers of divested assets are specifically encouraged to maintain contact with staff during the transition of ownership of the divested asset and afterwards.

Key Takeaways


[1]        The FTC’s Merger Remedies 2006-2012:  A Report of the Bureaus of Competition and Economics, available at

[2]        Id. at 5.

[3]        Id. at 31.

This post comes to us from Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP. It is based on the firm’s memorandum, “FTC Releases Study Examining Merger Remedies Between 2006 and 2012,” dated February 17, 2017, and available here.

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