CLS Blue Sky Blog

Debevoise & Plimpton Discusses Changes to the Volcker Rule

On May 30, the Federal Reserve Board proposed revisions (the “Proposal”) to the regulations implementing section 13 of the Bank Holding Company Act (referred to as the “Volcker Rule”) and asked questions on potential additional changes. Below are our preliminary takeaways on select issues. We anticipate providing a comprehensive summary of the Proposal in the future, covering the issues below in more detail and additional issues raised by the Proposal. A redline showing proposed changes to the regulatory text is available here.

Proposed Changes

Significant trading assets and liabilities: ≥ $10 billion, measured for U.S. banking entities on a global basis and for foreign banking entities with respect to U.S. Subject to the most stringent compliance requirements.

Moderate trading assets and liabilities: Not in the other two categories. Less stringent compliance requirements.

Limited trading assets and liabilities: < $1 billion, measured on a global basis for S. and foreign banking entities. Rebuttable presumption of compliance.

Questions on Additional Potential Changes

This post comes to us from Debevoise & Plimpton LLP. It is based on the firm’s memorandum, “Volcker Rule: Changes and Questions,” dated May 31, 2018, and available here.

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