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Davis Polk Discusses the FSOC Climate Report: 10 Key Takeaways for the Banking Sector

The FSOC Climate Report views “climate-related financial risk as an emerging threat to the financial stability of the United States.” Here are our 10 key takeaways on a critical step in what will be a long and complex journey.

10 Key Takeaways

  1. U.S. financial regulators are in catch up mode
  1. There is a strong emphasis on working internationally
  1. FSOC’s focus is on climate-related financial risk as an “emerging threat” to financial stability
  1. FSOC member agencies realize that consistent and reliable data is a huge challenge
  1. Climate-related financial risk will be incorporated into risk management in the near term
  1. Scenario analysis is on the medium term horizon
  1. A call to add a climate component to capital risk weighting is conspicuously absent from the Climate Report
  1. TCFD emerges as the preferred disclosure framework
  1. Enhanced and standardized disclosure for all FSOC member agencies, not just for the SEC
  1. CFRAC will bring an unprecedented reliance on scientists and other external experts into FSOC

Exhibit A: List of U.S. based climate committees and working groups (as defined in the Climate Report)

  1. Newly announced climate committees in the FSOC report
  1. Already existing climate-focused committees and working groups
  1. Committees and working groups incorporating climate 


1 Financial Stability Oversight Council, Report on Climate-Related Financial Risk, (2021). FSOC Report on Climate-Related Financial Risk (

2 Alexander C. Kaufman, Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk, Huffington Post (October 22, 2021). Climate Poses Many Threats To U.S. Financial System & Natural Gas May Be Major Risk | HuffPost Impact

3 Jelena McWilliams, Chair, FDIC. Statement at the Financial Stability Oversight Council Meeting, Oct. 21, 2021. FDIC: Speeches & Testimony – 10/21/2021 – Statement by FDIC Chairman Jelena McWilliams at the Financial Stability Oversight Council Meeting

4 Ibid.  

5 Financial Stability Oversight Council, supra note 1, at 5.

6 Kaufman, supra note 2.

7 Financial Stability Oversight Council, supra note 1, at 57.

8 Id. at 120.

9 Id. at 23.

10 Id. at 47.

11 Id. at 3.

12 Id. at 7.

13 Michael Hsu, Acting Comptroller of the Currency, OCC. Statement on FSOC Climate Change Report, Oct. 21, 2021. Statement by the Acting Comptroller of the Currency on FSOC Climate Change Report | OCC (

14 Ibid.

15 Financial Stability Oversight Council, supra note 1, at 23-24.

16 Id. at 89.

17 Id. at 97.

18 Barr, Jackson and Tahyar, Financial Regulation: Law and Policy 336-7 (3rd ed. 2021).

19 Graham Steele, Confronting the “Climate Lehman Moment”: The Case for Macroprudential Climate Regulation, 30 Cornell J. L. & Pub. Pol’y 109, 145 (2020).

20 Harriet Agnew et al., Al Gore urges overhaul of global finance to cut greenhouse gases, Financial Times (Oct. 24, 2021). Al Gore urges overhaul of global finance to cut greenhouse gases | Financial Times (

21 Barr, Jackson and Tahyer, supra note 18.

22 Financial Stability Oversight Council, supra note 1, at 3-4.

23 Id. at 5.

24 Id. at 118.

25 Id. at 119.

26 Id. at 38.

27 Id. at 37.

28 Id. at 30.

29 Id. at 35.

30 Id. at 36.

31 Id. at 37.

32 Id. at 28.

33 Id. at 30.

34 Id. at 29.

35 Id. at 28.

36 Id. at 39.

37 Id. at 36.

This post comes to us from Davis Polk & Wardwell, LLP. It is based on the firm’s memorandum, “FSOC Climate Report: 10 Key Takeaways for the Banking Sector,” dated Fall 2021 and available here.

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