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Skadden Discusses a Board’s Role in Oversight of Cybersecurity Risks

Key Points

What role are boards expected to play in protecting their companies against cyberattacks?

New rules issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and an enforcement action by the agency against SolarWinds, a software developer that was the victim of a serious cyberattack, provide detailed guidelines. They make clear that directors need to understand the risks and actively engage in cybersecurity oversight. The SEC’s actions are also likely to shape the expectations of shareholders, customers and other stakeholders.

New SEC Cyber Disclosure Rules in a Nutshell


The SEC adopted final rules in 2023, which are intended to enhance and standardize disclosures regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident reporting by public companies. Specifically, the amended rules require:

For companies with public floats of more than $250 million, the Form 8-K incident disclosure obligations took effect on December 18, 2023. For those companies, the cybersecurity risk management, strategy and governance disclosures must be included in annual reports for fiscal years ending on or after December 15, 2023 — and thus, for many companies, in annual reports issued in early 2024.

Key Considerations for Boards of Directors

Incident reporting. Under the new rules, a company must disclose a “cybersecurity incident” experienced by the company within four business days of determining that the incident is material.

This requirement has led many companies to evaluate whether their current incident response and disclosure procedures are designed to help ensure compliance with the rules. Management teams and boards are asking whether their company’s procedures are integrated and designed to facilitate streamlined communication between cybersecurity business functions, management and the board in the event of a cybersecurity incident and any steps the board or a committee would need to take in its oversight role.

Cybersecurity governance. Annual reports must now disclose information on the board’s oversight of cybersecurity risk management. In particular, companies must describe:

Accordingly, boards should review how oversight responsibility is assigned within the board and make sure that board and committee discussions regarding cybersecurity risks are documented. Those discussions should include regular briefings and updates from management.

The detailed disclosure requirements under the new rules will necessitate robust oversight by boards.

SEC Cyber Litigation and Enforcement: SolarWinds

Companies with inadequate board oversight of cybersecurity practices may face serious consequences.

On October 30, 2023, the SEC filed a complaint against SolarWinds, a software development company, and Timothy Brown, its chief information security officer (CISO), alleging that both SolarWinds and Brown made materially misleading statements and omissions about the company’s cybersecurity practices and risks. The SEC claimed this ultimately led to a drop in SolarWinds’ stock when a large-scale cybersecurity attack known as SUNBURST was revealed.

The SEC’s complaint alleges that SolarWinds and Brown inaccurately claimed on a website security statement that the company followed cybersecurity standards like the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework, used Secure Development Lifecycle practices (industry-developed standards to minimize software vulnerabilities), enforced strong password policies, and maintained adequate access controls. The SEC also alleged that SolarWinds’s SEC filings, including the first disclosure of the SUNBURST incident, included only generic and hypothetical statements that failed to address known cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities.

The SEC also accused SolarWinds of having deficient cybersecurity controls and known vulnerabilities that left its systems susceptible to attack. Before the attack, SolarWinds and Brown purportedly knew about vulnerabilities and attacks involving its Orion software, used by thousands of SolarWinds customers, but these were not remediated or disclosed.

The SolarWinds case is the first time the SEC has charged a CISO with fraud and highlights the increasing importance of cybersecurity under federal securities law. The SEC’s complaint seeks not only corrective actions but also significant penalties, including injunctions and a prohibition against Brown serving as an officer or director of any public company. These charges reflect how seriously the agency views these alleged infractions.

In addition to the SEC’s action, two shareholder derivative actions were filed against SolarWinds’s directors for failure to oversee operations, and the company agreed to a $26 million settlement in a securities class action filed by its shareholders. The derivative suits were dismissed.

Board and Senior Executive Cyber Risk and Disclosures Checklist

The rules and the SolarWinds case suggest certain basic steps boards should take.


What Factors May Make a Cyberattack “Material”?

This post comes to us from Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. It is based on the firm’s article, “Emerging Expectations: The Board’s Role in Oversight of Cybersecurity Risk,” dated Winter 2024, and available here. 

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