The Financial Industry’s Bankruptcy Plan for Resolving Failed Megabanks Would Give Unwarranted Benefits to Their Executives and Wall Street Creditors

In a recent post,[1] I summarized my forthcoming article critiquing the financial industry’s plan for resolving failed megabanks under Title II of the Dodd-Frank Act.[2] My article describes the industry’s “single point of entry” (SPOE) strategy for recapitalizing …

Turning a Blind Eye: Why Washington Keeps Giving In to Wall Street

The following comes to us from Arthur E. Wilmarth, Jr., Professor of Law at GW Law and Executive Director of the Law School’s Center for Law, Economics and Finance.  This is a synopsis of his article Turning a Blind Eye:

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Editor's Tweet: GW Prof. Arthur Wilmarth Jr. on Turning a Blind Eye: Why Washington Keeps Giving In to Wall Street