Mohsen Manesh

A Consequential Circuit Split Casts Doubt on Whether Borak Is Still Good Law
On June 1, the Ninth Circuit en banc in Lee v. Fisher issued a consequential decision calling into question the scope of the implied right of action recognized by J.I. Case Co. v. Borak and creating a stark split with …

The Corporate Contract and the Internal Affairs Doctrine
No rule of corporate law may be more foundational than the internal affairs doctrine. The doctrine provides that the internal affairs of a corporation – the “matters peculiar to the relationships among or between the corporation and its current officers, …

The Contested Edges of Internal Affairs
During a four-month span in late 2018, two events occurred at opposite ends of the country that could dramatically reshape the regulation of corporations in America. First, in September 2018, California enacted the nation’s first law mandating board gender diversity…

Introducing the Totally Unnecessary Benefit LLC
The rapid proliferation of state statutes authorizing so-called “benefit” corporations—starting with Maryland in 2010 and spreading to over 30 states by 2018—has been premised in large part on the assertion that conventional corporate law mandates shareholder primacy. Under this legal …

Nearing 30, Is Revlon Showing Its Age?
The following post comes to us from Mohsen Manesh, Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon School of Law. It is based on his recent paper, “Nearing 30, Is Revlon Showing Its Age?,” which has been published in the Washington …

The Geography of Revlon-Land in Cash and Mixed Consideration Transactions: A Response to Professor Bainbridge
The following comes to us from Mohsen Manesh, an Assistant Professor at the University of Oregon School of Law.
In the recently published The Geography of Revlon-Land,[1] Professor Stephen Bainbridge attempts to crisply delineate the boundaries …