Sullivan & Cromwell discusses Senate Regulatory Relief Proposal: Banking Committee Chairman Releases Discussion Draft of “The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015”

Yesterday afternoon, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-AL) released a discussion draft of “The Financial Regulatory Improvement Act of 2015” (the “Discussion Draft”). This proposed legislation would significantly amend certain aspects of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer …

Sullivan & Cromwell discusses Foreign Banks and the Swap-Push Out Rule

Federal Reserve Issues Rule to Classify Uninsured U.S. Branches and Agencies of Foreign Banks as Insured Depository Institutions for Purposes of the Swaps Push-out Provision of the Dodd-Frank Act and Explain the Process for Obtaining Transition Period Relief

On June

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Editor's Tweet: Sullivan & Cromwell discusses Foreign Banks and the Swap-Push Out Rule

Should Municipal Bond Issuers be Required to Disclose Bank Loans?

You may be surprised to learn that municipal bond issuers are not required to disclose bank borrowings.  I’ve heard numerous estimates that such issuers have outstanding bank borrowings in the $200 to $300 billion range, which would amount to approximately

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Editor's Tweet: Cate Long of Reuters Discusses Whether Municipal Bond Issuers should be Required to Disclose Bank Loans?