Crown image Columbia Law School

Prosocial Antitrust

Recent developments have placed antitrust law on a collision course with corporate purpose. In a new paper, I reveal the unforeseen negative impacts of this conflict and provide a roadmap for avoiding them.

Businesses and investors are increasingly embracing …

Passive Exit

Economist Albert O. Hirschman (1970) classically set out the two alternatives facing dissatisfied members of an organization: They can voice displeasure or exit for greener pastures. Hirschman’s model has long explained the tradeoff facing shareholders of a poorly governed firm: …

Index Funds and the Cost of Engagement

Institutional ownership of companies has grown to the point that institutions today own approximately 80 percent of the market value of U.S. stocks.[1] Recent academic research explores this rising ownership concentration and debates the growing importance of “passive” or “index” …