Wachtell Proposes Bylaw to Ward Off Threat of Conflicted Directors

This year, the practice of activist hedge funds engaged in proxy contests offering special compensation schemes to their dissident director nominees has increased and become even more egregious.  While the terms of these schemes vary, the general thrust is that, …

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Editor's Tweet: Wachtell Proposes Bylaw to Ward Off Threat of Conflicted Directors http://wp.me/p2Xx5U-XC

In Strange Company: The Puzzle of Private Investment in State-Controlled Firms

The following post comes to us from Professor Mariana Pargendler of the Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Law at São Paulo, Brazil.  

Despite prior waves of privatization, state-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain a fixture of the variety of capitalism embraced by …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Mariana Pargendler discusses her new article on private investment in state-controlled firms

Activist Investors and the Revaluation of Governance Rights

Equity ownership in the United States no longer reflects the dispersed share ownership of the canonical Berle-Means firm. Instead, in our new working paper, The Agency Costs of Agency Capital:  Activist Investors and the Revaluation of Governance Rights, Ron …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Jeffrey N. Gordon of Columbia Law School discusses Activist Investors and the Revaluation of Governance Rights

The Present and Future of Corporate Governance: Re-Examining the Role of the Board of Directors and Investor Relations in Listed Companies

In our new paper, The Present and Future of Corporate Governance: Re-Examining the Role of the Board of Directors and Investor Relations in Listed Companies, forthcoming in the European Company and Financial Law Review, we contribute a new …

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Editor's Tweet: Joseph McCahery and others discuss the Role of the Board of Directors and Investor Relations in Listed Companies

Alston & Bird Discusses How Hedge Funds and Private Equity Firms Can Manage FCPA Risks

In recent years, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have aggressively investigated and enforced both the anti-bribery and accounting provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Many of these matters have been the …

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Editor's Tweet: Alston & Bird Discusses How Hedge Funds and Private Equity Firms Can Manage FCPA Risks

Shareholder Activism and Ethics: Are Shareholder Bonuses Incentives or Bribes?

This is the heyday of institutional investor activism in proxy contests.  Insurgents are running more slates and targeting larger companies.  They are also enjoying a higher rate of success:  66% of proxy contexts this year have been at least partially …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor John C. Coffee Jr. of Columbia Law School discusses whether bonuses from shareholder activists are incentives or bribes?

Wachtell Lipton Discusses the SEC and “Exceptional” Cooperation

Earlier this week, the SEC announced that it had entered into a non-prosecution agreement (NPA) with Ralph Lauren Corporation to resolve an investigation under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).  While the Department of Justice also announced that it had …

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Editor's Tweet: Wachtell Lipton Discusses the SEC and “Exceptional” Cooperation

Entity Partitioning and Tailored Bankruptcy

The partitioning of businesses into separate legal entities has been the focus of financial and legal study for decades. This literature has looked at the implications of legal separations across various dimensions such as corporate governance, limited liability, tax, and …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Anthony Casey of the University of Chicago Law School discusses entity partitioning and tailored bankruptcy.

Cleary Gottlieb Discusses Communication with Financial Analysts and Related Disclosure Issues

Securities analysts play a key role in securities markets, and publicly held companies as a matter of market practice regularly brief them to help them understand company results and business trends. There have been some unfortunate instances, however, in which …

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Editor's Tweet: Cleary Gottlieb Discusses Communication with Financial Analysts and Related Disclosure Issues

How VCs Induce Entrepreneurial Teams to Sell Startups

Venture capitalists (VCs) play a significant role in the financing of high-risk, technology-based business ventures. VC exits usually take one of three forms: an initial public offering (IPO) of a portfolio company’s shares, followed by the sale of the VC’s …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Jesse Fried of Harvard Law School discusses how VCs induce eintrepreneurial teams to sell startups

Delaware Supreme Court Reverses Chancery and Gives Collateral Estoppel Effect to California Federal Court’s Dismissal of Derivative Claims

In its widely followed Allergan decision, the Delaware Court of Chancery declined to apply collateral estoppel to dismiss a Delaware derivative complaint even though a California federal court dismissed (with prejudice) essentially the same complaint brought by different stockholders. The …

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Editor's Tweet: Delaware Supreme Court Reverses Chancery and Gives Collateral Estoppel Effect to California Federal Court's Dismissal of Derivative Claims

Wachtell Lipton Discusses SEC Release on the Use of Social Media under Regulation FD

Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) directly addressed the application of Regulation Fair Disclosure (Regulation FD) to corporate use of social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter.  In a Report of Investigation—a format used by the SEC to …

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Editor's Tweet: Wachtell Lipton Discusses SEC Release on the Use of Social Media under Regulation FD

Bingham Discusses the SEC’s Request for Input on a Potential Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct

The Dodd-Frank Act gave the SEC the authority to adopt, but did not require it to adopt, a uniform fiduciary standard of conduct for both broker-dealers and investment advisers when providing personalized investment advice about securities to retail customers. On …

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Editor's Tweet: Bingham Discusses the SEC's Request for Input on a Potential Uniform Fiduciary Standard of Conduct

The Challenge of the Semi-Public Company

Something new and significant is taking shape. For a variety of reasons—the impact of the JOBS Act, the growing popularity of equity private placements, the appearance of new trading markets for venture capital and other non-reporting companies—a new tier of companies is growing rapidly that is composed of issuers that are not "reporting" companies, but that do have a significant number of shareholders. In terms of the size of their shareholder class, these companies overlap with public companies, but they trade in the dark—and actively. More importantly, as their number grows, it is predictable that existing and new trading venues will begin to compete to attract and capture the trading interest in these stocks. This column will call these firms "semi-public companies" to reflect their intermediate status, midway between truly private firms (such as early stage venture capital startups and family-held firms) and public companies.
Editor's Tweet |
Editor's Tweet: Professor John C. Coffee, Jr. of Columbia Law School discusses the Challenge of the Semi-Public Company.

How much does management influence shareholder votes?

In the paper, “Management Influence on Investors: Evidence from Shareholder Votes on the Frequency of Say on Pay”, which was recently made publicly available on SSRN, my co-author (David Oesch of the University of St. Gallen) and I …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Fabrizio Ferri of Columbia Business School discusses how much management influences the frequency of Say on Pay votes?

Sullivan & Cromwell Discusses How Companies Should Prepare for Potential Proxy Disclosure Litigation

Plaintiffs’ attorneys have continued to bring, or threaten, litigation against U.S. companies following the filing of their annual proxy statements. These complaints generally allege disclosure deficiencies in connection with the approval of equity compensation plans and/or the advisory shareholder “say-on-pay” …

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Editor's Tweet: Sullivan & Cromwell Discusses How Companies Should Prepare for Potential Proxy Disclosure Litigation

New York Officials Urge SEC To Adopt Rules Requiring Public Companies to Disclose Political Spending

This week, New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio urged the Securities and Exchange Commission to respond to a petition I co-authored with my colleagues John Coffee, Ronald Gilson and …

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Editor's Tweet: Professor Robert Jackson. of Columbia Law School discusses New York's efforts to urge the SEC to act on political spending disclosure

The Separation of Ownership and Consumption

In our paper, The Evolution of Shareholder Voting Rights: Separation of Ownership and Consumption, which was recently made publicly available on SSRN, we show how the ownership patterns of early business corporations shaped their peculiar governance structure. While the …

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Editor's Tweet: Professors Henry Hansmann of Yale Law and Mariana Pargendler discuss the separation of ownership and consumption