Sullivan & Cromwell discusses Forum Non Conveniens Doctrine in Cases Having Peripheral Connection to New York Banking System

In an opinion issued on April 8, 2014,[1] the New York Court of Appeals unanimously dismissed on forum non conveniens grounds a case arising from a foreign exchange transaction between a bank in the United Arab Emirates and a general …

The Marketplace of Ideas: Should the SEC change the rules on blockholder disclosure?

The CLS Blue Sky Blog presents Part II of the third installment of our series, “The Marketplace of Ideas.” Earlier installments on different topics are available here and hereThe intent is to present different perspectives on the same

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Editor's Tweet: The Marketplace of Ideas: Rethinking the Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership under Section 13(d) Part II

Cadwalader discusses Revisions to the Securitisation Framework: Second Consultative Document published by the Basel Committee

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the “Basel Committee”) has published a second Consultative Document containing revised proposals for the Basel securitisation framework (the “Revised Proposals”).[1] The Revised Proposals describe a revised set of approaches for determining the regulatory capital …

Clifford Chance on Exemptions for Inter-Affiliate and Intragroup Transactions Under Dodd-Frank and EMIR

On January 16, 2014, Clifford Chance released a briefing, available  here, on exemptions for inter-affiliate and intragroup transactions under the U.S. Dodd-Frank Act and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (“EMIR”).  Both impose obligations requiring the clearing and reporting of …

Rise of IntercontinentalExchange and Implications of its Merger with NYSE Euronext

The following comes to us from Latoya C. Brown, a practicing attorney in Florida and a former intern at the US Securities & Exchange Commission. The views expressed herein are those of the author and not necessarily those of the

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Editor's Tweet: Latoya Brown on the Rise of the IntercontinentalExchange and Implications of its Merger with NYSE Euronext